About Us
Violeta Consulting Services, founded in August 2010, is a Barbadian-based company aimed at providing high-quality socio-economic and environmental research at the national, regional and international levels on sustainability issues with a specialized focus on the climate change and disaster risk agendas within Small Vulnerable Economies. The objectives of the company are:
To provide clients with a better understanding of the green/blue ideals from an economic, social and environmental standpoint;
To promote corporate social responsibility within organizations by showing the long term benefits associated with sustainable consumption and production practices;
To educate the populace on issues emerging from the Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus; and
To engage key stakeholders within the public and private sectors as well as academic institutions on sustainable development issues.
Violeta Consulting Services strives to become a recognized leader in the field of Development Economics by establishing linkages and maintaining connections with many local, regional and international organizations that I have the potential to work with and to contribute to the advancement of the Barbadian economy and other Small Vulnerable Economies through such collaborative efforts.
Carol-Anne Blenman is the Founder/Managing Director & CEO of Violeta Consulting Services.